Samsung Terrace Outdoor TV

During these beautiful warm-weather months here in Vermont, it’s a shame to squirrel away indoors with the fleeting magic of summer outside. Instead of another night watching television on the couch, consider having a starry movie night on the patio. Rather than hosting an indoor game day party, move the event outside to root for your favorite team on the big screen. And instead of cozying the kids up with their favorite shows in the living room, let them watch movies outside while playing in the pool!

These fun, outdoor activities (and more) are attainable with an outdoor entertainment system, and one of our team's newest favorites is the Samsung Terrace Smart TV. It's the perfect way to bring your favorite screen content to the outdoors.

The Samsung Terrace TV can remain outdoors year-round without becoming water-damaged or corroded! It is protected from water and dust intrusion, and as a result, you can expect to enjoy many years of use from your new Samsung outdoor TV. Not only is the construction of extremely high quality, but the 4k resolution, anti-reflection protection, and Quantum HDR 32X technology guarantees that your content will look amazing in rain or shine.

The Terrace comes with a great deal of terrific features to make your outdoor viewing experience even more enjoyable. The built-in Smart TV feature offers on-screen access to all your favorite apps, and the mirror option displays content from your mobile phone directly onto the television. The multi-view feature makes it easy to watch TV and see your mobile content side-by-side, making it easy to flip burgers on the grill and follow along with a cooking video while simultaneously keeping an eye on the news.

Commission the team at System Integrators to help you construct an entertainment oasis around your home! Call or email us at to learn more and set up a consultation. Happy summer!